Connected Abilities






Each child is on their developmental journey so our focus is to support and build capacity of families, so they can respond to their child’s ever-changing needs. We offer family centred, strength-based support, and are a registered NDIS provider meeting the requirements of the National Quality and Safeguards Commission. Our aim is to work together towards the outcomes that you have for your child.

What is a Key Worker?

Make an Early Childhood Specialist Educator a key member of your team!

Partnering with Families in their Child’s Developmental Journey

 “Connect is a wonderful service, it has helped our little girl who has Autism and is non-verbal to have a voice. The keyworker has helped us with behavioural challenges, play skills, feeding, toileting; the support has been child and family centred in our home, childcare and community settings”


Connect’s Professional Team

Connect has a transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary team of experienced and qualified professionals who have extensive knowledge in child development, developmental delays, and disabilities. Best practice integrates a team around the child which includes family, relevant health professionals, allied health support and educators/teachers. This collaboration means we will meet with your family to determine the best approach to assist your child to develop their skills and capabilities. This support is delivered in the early childhood space, school setting, home and the community to develop the child’s capacity to fully participate in everyday life and activities.

Our team delivers support to children and their families residing in the Nepean, the Lower and Upper Blue Mountains region.
We operate from our Lapstone and Hazelbrook offices.

The Connected Abilities team consists of the following experience and qualifications:

  • Speech therapist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Early Childhood Specialist Educators
  • Provisional psychologist
  • Support Co-Ordinators

We use a ‘multidisciplinary model’ to create and deliver supports for your child – which means a number of professionals may collaborate in their work with your child. In such a model, a ‘key worker’ is appointed to your child.

We will meet with your family to determine the best approach to assist your child to develop skills and support your family. This is delivered in the early childhood space, educational setting, home and in the community to develop your child’s capacity to fully participate in everyday activities and life.

Connected Abilities Family Handbook

Pathways to Support

There are many different pathways to support at Connect Children and Families. This may start with speaking to your GP, paediatrician, community health nurse, your child’s teacher and referring your child to us for a discussion about their needs. 

We are here to find the right pathway for you and your child’s development. Speak with our Connect Pathways Team by calling 02 47589966.


Contact our team

You can submit an enquiry to our Connected Abilities intake officer directly on the form below or Contact our head office on 47589966
We can provide you with information and professional support and services funded by your child’s NDIS package.

Make an enquiry


Registered NDIS Provider